The title of this newsletter is Yoda’s famous quote: “Do or do not. There is no try.” I have decided to do, not just try. With that in mind, I bring you the latest progress from the development side!

Box Cover:

As you probably noticed from the top image, the box design is complete and only needs some minor refinements! I think Justin Gerard has done a spectacular job on the artwork, and Antonio Frade on the graphic design! This is a box cover that would definitely make me pick it up in a board game store. Let me know what you think! :D

Game trailer:

Without further ado, I want to show you the impressive trailer built from scratch by Mahmoud Salah and his team of animators. I love it! I think the inspiration from Age of Empires shines through without being overdone. Of course, the video itself features quite a bit of action and not much about gameplay—this will be covered in a small teaser video later for the Gamefound campaign!

TTS version:

The TTS version is ready to be played, so let me know if you need a teach—and feel very warmly welcomed to help me gather a crowd following the game already! I’m going to need your help with this again—sorry! ;)

The TTS version is here:

What is left?:

Right now, Scott Lewis is putting the finishing touches on his edit of the rules, along with some other edits I’ve received from all of you—thank you! Once I’ve gone through them, Antonio will rework the design of the rulebook to make it more professional. He’s also finalizing the box design and helping with the preview crowdfunding page. So, we’ll be online soon!

That was the 8th newsletter from Greymarsh Games!

The next newsletter will be the design diary for the game, covering everything from the initial idea (and even before that) up until now!

Peace out!
